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National Portrait Gallery, Photographic Portrait Prize 2016 Campaign

National Portrait Gallery, Photographic Portrait Prize 2016 Campaign

Nine years after the launch of this annual showcase of portrait photography, the campaign for the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize has received a subtle make-over. The single hero shot approach of yesteryear has been replaced with a selection of five striking images from the shortlisted photographs featured in the exhibition.

Multiple images are combined to form 12- and 48-sheet posters. The resulting ‘fly-posted’ effect chimes with the younger audiences the award is trying to attract without jeopardising the legal integrity of one of London’s leading art institutions.

The 2016 campaign comprised billboards, Underground posters, magazine advertising, promotional and press materials.

Informazioni sul cliente

National Portrait Gallery

Conosciuta come NPG, è lo scrigno londinese che conserva i ritratti dei grandi, notabili e noti, uomini e donne, d’Inghilterra. Si trova vicino alla National Gallery a Trafalgar Square e ospita la più grande collezione di ritratti del mondo. Negli ultimi anni l’interesse della galleria per i ritratti fotografici è cresciuto in maniera esponenziale.