Atene Website

Atene Website

The website of innovation and network management firm Atene takes a leaf out of Google's book. If Google's aim is to make all the information of the world accessible, Atene is the key to everything you always wanted to know about innovation management, but were afraid to ask.

How do you find the answer to your specific problem amongst the wealth of information about countless government grants and approximately 250 case studies?

Search, hence a site design that is totally dominated by the central search bar. Just type a keyword, the auto complete feature will feed you with a list of suggestions while you are typing. The listing of results even shows how many entries have been found in each section of the website.

Simple, just like Google.

Client information


ATeNe is a consultancy specialising in innovation and technology. The organisation performs a dual role in order to marry investment and innovation: on the one hand ATeNe advises technology companies and innovators on planning, finance, implementation and marketing, on the other, the consultancy provides analysis, studies and reports about the potential of innovations and technologies to public and private investors.