Alain de Botton, The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work, Penguin

Alain de Botton, The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work, Penguin

The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work is an exploration of the joys and perils of the modern workplace, beautifully evoking what other people get up to all day – and night – to make the frenzied contemporary world function. With a philosophical eye and his characteristic combination of wit and wisdom, Alain leads us on a journey around a deliberately eclectic range of occupations, from rocket science to biscuit manufacture, accountancy to art – in search of what make jobs either fulfilling or soul-destroying.

Client information

Alain de Botton

Alain de Botton is one of the most prominent living authors in the United Kingdom, writing best-selling books that, as he puts it, 'tackle questions of everyday life from a philosophical point of view'. He is also involved in making a number of TV documentaries accompanying his books.


Penguin Books is a British publisher founded in 1935 by Allen Lane. Lane's idea was to provide quality writing cheaply, for the same price as a pack of cigarettes. He also wanted them to be sold not only in bookshops but in train stations, general stores and corner shops. Its most emblematic products are its paperbacks. The first Penguin paperbacks were published in 1935, but at first only as an imprint of Bodley Head with the books originally distributed from a church crypt.